Monday, 23 May 2016

Educational mental system weakened

I am interested in the news about a teacher who was jailed because of  pinching her one of the students.

actually, in the educational system, this case is something usual or normal that can happen everyday. because  that is kind of punishment for the student if they make mistake. teachers are students' parents at school, so they have right to punish their student if the students do something wrong.
Giving punishment is something that helps students to build up their mental and also to make students evaluate themselves what they are given punishments, so they will regret it and not do it again. Those things will develop the students or we can say children to more respect to others and can doing well in society activities.

if they are not given the direction or guidance, they will be lost. they will become kind of people who always do whatever they want without considering the other people. the point is that no matter how many times the teachers hit (in the normal level), mad, yell or others, they did it to give a good for their students, to make them strong, and useful for the other people.

no matter how killer the teacher is, there is no teacher that does not hope the best for his/her students. 
so the parents have to understand, if their children get punishment, it means that they do something bad and parents should give them advice, so they will not get punishment again.
the condition is changed right now, not only the students who have weak mental, the parents also do. they just take decision without thinking forward, without seeing the background, it is because they are capable to do anything that makes them not respect others.

in my school age, when we get punishment from the teacher, we will not tell our parents because it is a shame, and if our parents know that they will give us punishment too. the parents at that time have high social understanding, they know that people or in this case teacher will not harm their children if they do not make mistake. it will lead them to be a good people.

so as parents or students or teachers, we have to consider our actions, there is limitation of every actions we take, do not across the line, and if we want to make decisions we have to respect to others do not make decisions that will only have benefits on you. Insyaallah, if we do all of those stuff, there will be no understanding between people that can make thing even worse.

thank you
please give me a feedback

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