Monday, 14 April 2014

Paragraph 2

Traffic Jam
           In this period, almost all people have at least one vehicle. It makes the traffic more crowded, noisy, and jammed. This condition often causes people to feel tired, angry, and impatient. The Government has already given many advice such as using the public transportation. It can help reduce the traffic jam; however, the people don't do like what The Government said. There is no way to stop the traffic jam, so people should have their own solution for what they have done to the traffic.


  1. great! that is the most interest problem which we can put in our post however, you just add more sentence to support your create. well done

    1. owh thanks a lot, I like your advice ^_^

  2. I do agree, Sir. I hate a traffic as well.

    1. So cute..

      Finally I found you, Sir. I mean I found someone who says hate instead of thank you.
      Do you know that a true friend doesn't say thank you for a help? that's you Sir, yes, you.

      What a true friend..


      Wasis - Handsome and Fragrant, as always.

  3. That's great. Improve your skill in writing, and then try to re-check your writing before you post it,okay? ;)

  4. hi roby :) your writing is nice.
    but i think you should add more sentences so that your article becomes more interesting.
    the last sentence '... so people should have their own solution for what they have done to the traffic...'
    I feel the sentence is ambiguous.

  5. nice writing.
    but I think you should improve your paragraph, so it will looks more interested to read
    anyway good job Roby.

    1. thank you so much
      I'll do better next time
